Friday, December 6, 2019

Assess the Argument free essay sample

Without education and the other ideals as the superstructure, the society will collapse when only the means and relations of production existing as the economic base. Also, in Marxists’ point of view, education only serves two purposes: to reproduce inequalities and social relations of productions and to justify these inequalities through meritocracy. However, Althusser, the neo-Marxist in 1971, points out that education is an Idealogical State Apparatus (ISA), just like media, family and other ideals as well. The main function of education is to pass on the common values in order to maintain and reproduce class discrimination in wealth and authority, generation after generation. This then continues to produce capitalism without the need to enforce it into the society, in the same way ideology is spread subconsciously. Althusser argues that a hidden curriculum exists to achieve this result; the way schools are organized and how knowledge is taught encourages the working class to abide by the rules of the capitalist society and accept the discrimination and failure without any sign of protest. We will write a custom essay sample on Assess the Argument or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page In 1977, Bourdieu called the act of accepting failure and higher class authority â€Å"Symbolic Violence†. Education acts as a reproduction tool for the capitalist relations of production, Bowles and Gintis (1976) argues. The capitalist relations of production is the hierarchy structure of workers and bosses, as well as the different skills and attitudes used. The role of education confirms the workers’ acceptance and willingness to heed the needs of system. Their correspondence theory suggests that the structure at school links straight to what it’s like at work. In school; teachers are the bosses while students are the workers. Students have to work hard to obtain rewards and success in exams in the same way how workers work hard to get their wage. Also, the theory points out that the higher the individual gets in the system, the more freedom they are given and more responsibility they have to take. Also, Bowles and Gintis states that success isn’t always obtained by academic ability. Injustice is disguised in the educational system as meritocracy. Students who goes against the system and expresses disapproval of the system doesn’t rise above like those that adapts to the rules. Bowles and Gintis also points out that schools yields workers that accepts the position they’re given, explaining the reasons why white middle-class students have a tendency to do better, even when they lack talent or ability. Because of the hidden curriculum, class discrimination in society comes across as just and rightful. Functionalists believes that education has three functions instead of two. The first function is to keep society in place through conversing the younger generation with important cultural values, such as democracy, equality of opportunity, achievement, competition and more. Durkheim thinks that education needs to draw attention to the moral and ethical duties one needs to obtain in the society. Parsons, just like Durkheim, also identifies the importance of socialization in education. This then creates a meritocratic view for the younger generation to apply to their lives, linking their family to the society outside. Universalistic standards are used in society where one is evaluated by a criteria that applies to everyone, unlike the particularistic standards at home where the child’s status is decided by their parents and other family members. Education introduces the significance of achievement and assists the change to universalistic standards. In Functionalists’ point of view, the second function of education is to educate compulsory skills to the pupils in order to survive in the today’s society. General skills apply as well, such as reading, writing, comprehensive listening and more. Over the years, difficulty level continues to rise in the work society as occupations gets more specific. The number of years in compulsory education increases while the level of intricacy soars. The third and last function is to assign the most suitable occupation to veryone, corresponding to their qualifications, talents and success in academic achievements. The most talented ones are designated for the more significant roles in society. Due to the equality of opportunity, this is the most fair and just way to allocate specific occupations to an individual. Overall, I agree with the Functionalists’ point of view, wh ere occupations are assigned to individuals through equality of opportunity and meritocracy. There are many examples in the society when one is not in the middle or upper class, yet achieves success in their occupation and life through their intellectual ability and talent. As long as one has the motivation, I believe that it doesn’t take long for others to recognize that initiative and notice his ambition to succeed. Personally, I don’t agree with the statement that the main function of education is to reproduce the social class structure. Instead, I believe that it’s changed over the past decades and have moved on from class to something more knowledge. I reckon that the main function currently is to educate the new generation with knowledge and skills to achieve success in life. As Steve Droke once said, â€Å"Knowledge is power and enthusiasm pulls the switch. †

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